From Brain To Mouth: KB & codea Edition

Being back from our Central America trip doesn’t mean we have to stop blogging about it right?! Here are some preeetty funny, insightful, silly, and ridiculous things that we said during our time abroad. We hope you laugh, think, wonder, and wander while reading them. Also, enjoy the picture below, for it is priceless.


KB: Do you ever go through Instagram and think, “Wow that’s awesome”?

On the last day of the trip
CO: Wait you have a bar of soap?

KB: I don’t even remember which knob is for hot water. Is it the left one?

KB: How do people live their life in one place?

CO: Let’s check if there’s hot water.

CO: I just spilled beer in my hammock. And my bathing suit is absorbing it.

KB: What are you doing for New Years?
CO: I don’t even know where I’m sleeping tonight.

Entering our hostel dorm:
KB: Is there a light?
CO: There’s a lizard.

KB sees an apple next to Christine, who is laying on her stomach. KB picks up the apple. KB puts the apple on Christine’s butt, and proclaims it: Apple bottom.

CO: I got chocolate all up in my garganta.

KB: I just wanna let you be and watch you burn.

While consuming chocolate drinks, KB and CO simultaneously say:
KB: We’re about to be so hyper.
CO: This isn’t as chocolatey as I wanted.

CO: My abs hurt so bad…I’ve never said those words before.

KB: What time is it?
CO: It’s almost happy hour.

CO: I never wanna be phased by travel.
KB: Travel matures you.

KB: We have to wake up at the asscrack of dawn.
CO: I love the asscrack of dawn. It’s my favorite asscrack.

CO: If you wanna go somewhere, ya fucking go.

CO: What’s your favorite thing from this meal?
KB: I’m eating friend plantains and a meatball on a stick right now.

KB: I’ve never brushed my teeth under the stars before!

When CO couldn’t finish her plantain:
KB: No plantain left behind.

CO: I feel like we’re crashing a party right now…
Hostess of restaurant: Do you guys mind sitting in the front of the restaurant? This is a private event.

CO: I wish I could Instagram what my leg feels like.

Star Sisters

For me, the summer of 2013 marked the end of many things. My six-month long adventure in Europe that challenged me and in turn made me who I am. The easiest semester of my college career. A period of time where on some level, nothing mattered, but on another, everything did.

The summer of 2013 also marked the very beginning. Of a yearlong academic research journey that resulted in too many allnighters and a 200-page honors thesis. An extremely rewarding internship that I loved and felt so passionately about. And a friendship I cherish wholeheartedly. Suddenly I feel like I’m writing a love letter for Kerianne… Still gonna do it.

Kerianne and I met in Austin, Texas last summer and even though it was only for four days, the introduction sparked a friendship fueled by travel, thinking, inspiration, writing, and lots and lots of laughter, all of which has led to this very moment. I’m sitting on a plane about to take off for Nicaragua. Next to me is KB. We’re about to run through Central America. Stay tuned.


PS: Kerianne is NOT the one in the middle.